For Investors

Select Funds

You can see all the live funds on the asset management page and rank them based on different criteria.



Total Assets Under Management


Portfolio return of the past 24 hours


Portfolio return of the past week


Portfolio return of the past month


Total portfolio return


The fund score depends on return, volatility, and average daily AUM of the past 30 days. Check the implementation page for more details.


The risk factor depends on the stop-loss line. A lower stop-loss percentage means higher risk. Check the implementation page for more details.


Trading volume in the past 30 days.

Every fund page displays the essential information for better investment decisions.

Buy a Fund

To buy a fund, you first need to deposit some USDC to your fund account, which is separate from your perpetual trading account. Alternatively, you can transfer funds from your perpetual account to the funds account. You may access either function in the top-right corner.

Currently, Aboard only support USDC for the asset management system.

After depositing USDC, you can buy funds on the dedicated fund page.

Monitor your Shares

After purchasing, you can see how your funds perform via the fund page or your fund dashboard on the asset management page..

Sell your Shares

You can always sell your shares via the Fund or Personal Dashboards.

Your funds are subject to different lock-up periods depending on the fund terms and purchase time. You can schedule the earliest date you'd like to get your funds back. You are still exposed to the fund's performance (subject to win or loss) until the final delivery date.

Last updated