WebSocket Private Information Streams
Path: /private
Method: WebSocket
Description: Websocket private channel auth on connected
├─ op: String (auth:authentication )
└─ args: Array
├─ apiKey: String (apiKey)
├─ timestamp: String (second timestamp)
└─ signature: String
├─ event: String
├─ code: Number
└─ msg: String
"op": "auth",
"args": [
"apiKey": "985d5b66-57ce-40fb-b714-afc0b9787083",
"timestamp": "1538054050000",
"signature": "7L+zFQ+CEgGu5rzCj4+BdV2/uUHGqddA9pI6ztsRRPs="
"event": "auth",
"code": 0,
"msg": ""
Account Channel
Path: /private
Method: WebSocket
Description: Channel to subscribe account update
├─ op: String (Operation, subscribe unsubscribe)
└─ args: Array
├─ channel: String (account: account)
└─ asset: String
├─ channel: String
├─ asset: String
└─ data: Object
├─ totalWalletBalance: String (total wallet balance, only for USDT asset)
├─ totalUnrealizedProfit: String (total unrealized profit, only for USDT asset)
├─ totalMarginBalance: String (total margin balance, only for USDT asset)
├─ totalPositionMargin: String (initial margin required for positions with current mark price, only for USDT asset)
├─ totalFrozenMargin: String (initial margin required for open orders with current mark price, only for USDT asset)
├─ totalFrozenMoney: String (total frozen money, only for USDT asset)
├─ totalAvailableBalance: String (available balance, only for USDT asset)
└─ assets: Array
├─ asset: String
├─ walletBalance: String (wallet balance)
├─ unrealizedProfit: String (unrealized profit)
├─ marginBalance: String (margin balance)
├─ positionMargin: String (total initial margin required with current mark price)
├─ frozenMargin: String (initial margin required for open orders with current mark price)
├─ frozenMoney: String (frozen money)
├─ availableBalance: String (available balance)
└─ updateTime: Number
"op": "subscribe",
"args": [
"channel": "account",
"asset": "USDT"
"channel": "account",
"asset": "USDT"
"data": {
"totalWalletBalance": "23.72469206",
"totalUnrealizedProfit": "0.00000000",
"totalMarginBalance": "23.72469206",
"totalPositionMargin": "0.00000000",
"totalFrozenMargin": "0.00000000",
"totalFrozenMoney": "0.00000000",
"totalAvailableBalance": "23.72469206",
"assets": [
"asset": "USDT",
"walletBalance": "23.72469206",
"unrealizedProfit": "0.00000000",
"marginBalance": "23.72469206",
"positionMargin": "0.00000000",
"frozenMargin": "0.00000000",
"frozenMoney": "0.00000000",
"availableBalance": "23.72469206",
"updateTime": 1625474304765
Positions Channel
Path: /private
Method: WebSocket
Description: Channel to subscribe position update
├─ op: String (Operation, subscribe unsubscribe)
└─ args: Array
├─ channel: String (position: positions)
└─ symbol: String (only support empty string, which means to subscribe all symbols)
├─ channel: String
├─ symbol: String
└─ data: Array
├─ symbol: String
├─ positionSide: String
├─ marginType: String (margin mode:ISOLATED/CROSSED)
├─ positionAmt: String (Position quantity. The symbol represents the long and short direction. Positive numbers are many and negative numbers are empty)
├─ availableAmt: String (Open position quantity)
├─ leverage: String
├─ openPrice: String
├─ unRealizedProfit: String (Unrealized profits and losses of positions)
├─ positionMargin: String (Position margin)
├─ isAutoAddMargin: String (If increase margin when Isolated)
├─ isolatedMargin: String (Isolated margin)
├─ markPrice: String (Mark price)
├─ liquidationPrice: String (Liquidation price)
├─ marginRate: String (Margin rate)
└─ updateTime: Number
"op": "subscribe",
"args": [
"channel": "position",
"symbol": ""
"channel": "position",
"symbol": "ETH-USDC"
"data": [
"symbol": "ETH-USDC",
"positionSide": "NET",
"marginType": "CROSSED",
"positionAmt": "-234.78",
"availableAmt": "200",
"leverage": "10",
"openPrice": "0.00000",
"unRealizedProfit": "0.00",
"positionMargin": "0.00",
"isAutoAddMargin": "false",
"isolatedMargin": "0.00",
"markPrice": "6679.50671178",
"liquidationPrice": "0",
"marginRate": "0",
"updateTime": 1625474304765
Order Channel
Path: /private
Method: WebSocket
Description: Channel to subscribe order status update
├─ op: String (Operation, subscribe unsubscribe)
└─ args: Array
├─ channel: String (order: orders)
└─ symbol: String
├─ channel: String
├─ symbol: String
└─ data: Array
├─ symbol: String
├─ side: String
├─ positionSide: String
├─ status: String
├─ price: String
├─ origQty: String (Original quantity)
├─ origType: String (Original order type)
├─ type: String (order type)
├─ timeInForce: String
├─ orderId: String (System order number)
├─ clientOrderId: String (User defined order number)
├─ reduceOnly: Boolean (if reduce position only)
├─ workingType: String (Conditional price trigger type)
├─ stopPrice: String (please ignore when order type is TRAILING_STOP_MARKET)
├─ closePosition: Boolean (if Close-All)
├─ activatePrice: String (activation price, only return with TRAILING_STOP_MARKET order)
├─ priceRate: String (callback rate, only return with TRAILING_STOP_MARKET order)
├─ priceProtect: Boolean (if conditional order trigger is protected)
├─ orderTime: Number
├─ cumQuote: String (trades amount)
├─ executedQty: String (trades quantity)
├─ avgPrice: String (trades price)
├─ updateTime: Number
└─ frozenMargin: String
"op": "subscribe",
"args": [
"channel": "order",
"symbol": "ETH-USDC"
"channel": "order",
"symbol": "ETH-USDC"
"data": [
"symbol": "ETH-USDC",
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "SHORT",
"status": "NEW",
"price": "0",
"origQty": "0.40",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"orderId": "1573346959",
"clientOrderId": "abc",
"reduceOnly": false,
"workingType": "LAST_PRICE",
"stopPrice": "9300",
"closePosition": false,
"activatePrice": "9020",
"priceRate": "0.3",
"priceProtect": false,
"orderTime": 1579276756075,
"cumQuote": "0",
"executedQty": "0",
"avgPrice": "0.00000",
"updateTime": 1579276756075,
"frozenMargin": "12.34"
Last updated